Anne Richardson has been in private practice as a Doctor of Oriental Medicine since 2004. She specializes in Acupuncture, Bodywork, Chinese Herbal Consults and Nutritional Counseling. Anne treats a wide variety of health conditions including: Pain Management, Women’s and Men’s Health, Auto-Immune and Endocrine Symptoms, Anxiety and Depression, among many others. She uses a whole body, individualistic approach to diagnosing health needs, integrating several modalities into a unique treatment plan to achieve whole health. Anne bases her treatment strategies on the fact that every patient is an individual, with different histories, and individual strengths and weaknesses. A combination of traditional acupuncture, herbal consultation, body work and dietary/lifestyle changes are employed to treat each unique person.
Raised in a medical family, Anne has a strong interest in research and a background in molecular biology. She is a thorough listener, personal, friendly and genuinely concerned about her patients. While studying nutrition, she was struck by the fact that Western medicine treats illness from the point of view that illness is addressed once it happens, while a more holistic approach tends to support and build the body to prevent illness. The goal is to have the strength to deflect illness before it strikes. This epiphany was one of the main reasons she ventured into alternative medicine. She has a keen understanding of western medicine and the science of western drugs, and is able to advise her patients on drug/herbal interactions.
Anne earned her undergraduate BA in Molecular Biology and Psychology from the University of Colorado, Boulder in December 1986. Anne graduated from the Academy of Oriental Medicine at Austin in 2002. While in Austin, she worked for two years in an herbal clinic with Dr. Wu, a master herbalist from China, assembling loose herbs for the fomulas he created. She is certified by the NCCAOM as a diplomate in Oriental Medicine, and has been licensed in the State of New Mexico since 2003.